Monday, July 25, 2016

HL Global interactions terms and definitions

Global interactions terms and definitions

Term                                                 Definition

Civil society                                      Any organization or movement that works in the area between                                                           the household, the private sector and the state to negotiate                                                                 matters of public concern. Civil societies include                                                                             non‑governmental organizations (NGOs), community groups,                                                           trade unions, academic institutions and faith‑based                                                                           organizations.

Core and periphery                            The concept of a developed core surrounded by an undeveloped
                                                        periphery. The concept can be applied at various scales.

Cultural imperialism                         The practice of promoting the culture/language of one nation in                                                        another. It is usually the case that the former is a large,                                                                    economically or militarily powerful nation and the latter is a                                                            smaller, less affluent one.

Food miles                                       A measure of the distance food travels from its source to the                                                            consumer. This can be given either in units of actual distance or                                                         of energy consumed during transport.

Globalization                                    “The growing interdependence of countries worldwide through                                                          the increasing volume and variety of cross‑border transactions                                                          in goods and services and of international capital flows, and                                                              through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology”                                                        (source: IMF).

Globalization indices                         The AT Kearney Foreign Policy index measures twelve                                                                    variables, which are subdivided into four “baskets”: economic                                                          integration, personal contact, technological connectivity and                                                              political engagement. Nations are ranked according to a                                                                    calculated globalization index.
                                                       The KOF index measures three main dimensions of                                                                          globalization: economic, political and social, and nations are                                                            ranked accordingly. It is designed by the Swiss Federal Institute                                                        of Technology on a yearly basis.

Glocalization                                    A term that was invented to emphasize that the globalization of                                                          a product is more likely to succeed when the product or service                                                        is adapted specifically to each locality or culture in which it is                                                          marketed. The increasing presence of McDonald’s restaurants                                                          worldwide is an example of globalization, while changes made                                                          to the menus of the restaurant chain, in an attempt to appeal to                                                          local tastes, are an example of glocalization.

GNI                                                Gross national income (now used in preference to gross national                                                        product—GNP). The total value of goods and services produced                                                        within a country together with the balance of income and                                                                  payments from or to other countries.

Outsourcing                                     The concept of taking internal company functions and paying an                                                        outside firm to handle them. Outsourcing is done to save                                                                  money, improve quality or free company resources for other                                                            activities.

Time–space convergence                   The reduction in the time taken to travel between two places due                                                        to improvements in transportation or communication                                                                        technology.

Transnational corporation                  A firm that owns or controls productive operations in more  
(TNC)                                             than one country through foreign direct investment.

Source: Diploma Programme Geography Guide

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