Thursday, July 21, 2016

HL2: Changing space - The shrinking world

Changing space - The shrinking world

Time-space convergence and the reduction in the friction of distance

Time-space convergence

Time-space convergence: this process concerns the changing relationship between time and space, and notably the impacts of transportation improvements on such a relationship. It is closely related to the concept of speed, which indicates how much space can be traveled over a specific amount of time. 


Reduction in the friction of distance

Sea Travel - Containerization

Modern Shipping Lanes


  • Cheaper over long distances
  • No cost in building transport routes (seas/oceans already exist)
  • Good for bulky low cost non-perishable goods e.g. coal
  • Costs are spread over a large area (modern container ships hold thousands of containers)
  • Containerization has sped up the process of loading and unloading. Unlike planes containers can be directly transferred to lorries and trains.
  • Refrigerated containers now allow more products to be transported

  • Much slower than air travel
  • Some countries are landlocked so can not receive shipments
  • Ships are expensive to build - steel is expensive
  • There are long waiting lists for large containers ships
  • Oil prices are expensive so fuel for ships is expensive
  • Some routes have to be built and maintained and enlarged e.g. Panama and Suez Canal
  • Some shipping routes have to be dredged
  • Ports are expensive to build and can damage delicate wetland areas
  • Risk of attack by pirates and cost of protecting ships e.g. Horn of Africa
  • Ships can have accidents and cause environmental damage e.g. oil leaks and hitting reefs
  • Cargo can be lost overboard in bad weather
  • Can encourage smuggling



Air travel



  • Fast over long distances
  • Planes don't get stuck in traffic, unlike cars and lorries
  • Good for high value perishable goods e.g. flowers, animals
  • Can reach landlocked countries

  • Planes cause a lot of pollution (noise, air and visual) - contribute greenhouse effect
  • Cost of flying is expensive, especially as price of oil increases
  • Airports are expensive to build and take up large areas
  • Can only carry small loads compared to ships
  • Air routes are fixed
  • Planes can be cancelled due to bad weather
  • Aircraft are expensive to build and maintain
  • Waiting lists for aircraft are long


Extension and density of networks

The internet

internet Population and Penetration



Moore's Law

The role of ICT in civil society

ICT in two countries - Mobile phone ownership in the United states and Uganda

Smartphones are more common in Europe, U.S., less so in developing countries

The strong relationship between per capita income and smartphone ownership


Adults who own a cell phone, Africa 


Younger, Educated and English-Speaking Africans More Likely to Own Smartphone

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